What do you really want?

Shoot an arrow, see where it lands

What do you really want?

Do you ever think about how you want to spend your time? Like, actually? What do you want to do with your days?

For example, yesterday, after a day of solitude, working in a new space, I thought:

I just want to Klack away, drink coffee & bourbon, and reconnect with my people. And plan logistics. And read good words.

Simple Bagel

I’ve gone back and forth between how I feel about the question “What would you do if money was no object” or “… if you had a million dollars” or [insert some dream scenario]—you get the picture. I do, however, think the exercise is rooted in something meaningful.

“Samir, I think you’re missing the point…”

Have you actually thought about it though?

If you had a blank canvas—or even just the option—of how to spend your days while still maintaining the general lifestyle you have…

  • What would you do?

  • Who would you see?

  • Where would you go?

  • What would you think about?

  • Why would you do these things?

I see this as an exercise of forced clarity, one that could really illuminate what matters to you the most.

Of course, these things could vary and change day-to-day, week-to-week, throughout the changing seasons of the year.

But start with the here and now.

Answer these questions for today.

Then answer them again in 3 months. And again in 6 months. And in a year, and 5 years, and in 10.

See what changes and what stays the same.

I think you’d be surprised by the answers.

I’ve long kept a journal, since senior year of college. I don’t do it often (mostly because I keep switching where my journal lives), but occasionally I’ll go back and read a past entry.

I’m often amazed by how strikingly similar my needs, wants, challenges, and aspirations are. Sure, there are more tangible things that change as I’ve gotten older - for example where I want to live, who I want to see, how I want to spend my weekends, etc.

But the core values are still there.

Connection. Harmony. Fun. Variety. Exploration. Less stress. More fulfillment.

I tend to believe that we are who we are at our core. While values can certainly shift with our life circumstances and choices, the most important ones—our core values—fasten resiliently at the forefront.

So if you could clear your schedule for the day, what would you do? What would make you feel whole?

Hit reply and let me know!

🥯 Bagel 🥯